Civil rights activist told university to drop program or offer equal opportunities...
"Kursk region is part of our plan—Ukraine's victory plan."
Artificial intelligence could soon be governing a city in the United States - at least if one American mayoral candidate has his way...
The auction stopped at a high yield of 3.874%, the lowest since August 2022 and down sharply from the 4.434% last month, a 56bps drop which was the biggest since the December recession scare
"The risks to our $70-85 range skew to the downside given high spare capacity, potential trade tensions, and the possibility that OPEC may fully reverse the extra cuts in 2025."
Detroit appointed seven times more Democrat poll watchers than Republicans for its primary election, the Republican complaint states...
"Honestly, I do not think this economy can withstand the ravages of what it has experienced since 2021..."
...coordinates power supplies for 65 million people in all or parts of 13 eastern and Midwest U.S. states...
"These novel requirements introduce substantial uncertainty in the postelection process..."
Robert F. Kennedy asked the court to stop Google from removing his YouTube videos...
Biden expresses 'outrage' and says US is "surging energy equipment to Ukraine to repair its systems."
The key danger for markets is that while all they want to hear is ‘finally, Fed rate cuts!’, the FOMC Chair may yet show himself to be “The Powell of the Powerless”, in that he can’t do what he and they want.
"This new option helps millions of adults with obesity access the medicine they need.."
...if the source is correct, then the next summit will reaffirm its members’ voluntary right to de-dollarize their trade with each other... and possibly make progress on a BRICS currency basket.
...and purchase plans for homes, cars, and appliances all plunged.