“If Trump said this, it would be wall-to-wall coverage on MSNBC for the next three weeks...”
Beirut on edge as most foreign nationals & many Lebanese have fled country....
"The pilot advised there was a malfunction..."
"This is great news for girls and women’s sports all across the nation!"
Erdogan's AKP launched gang-style physical attack on opposition leader at podium....
"LLMs can shape public opinion, influence voting behaviors, and impact the overall discourse in society..."
The EC will decide what constitutes “harmful content,” and what are the “relevant events,” “public unrest,” and thus what speech is permissible and what is not...
“Ranchers stopped shipping their cattle to the market, farmers drowned their chickens, and consumers emptied the shelves of supermarkets...”
“Playing with fire is unadvisable... playing with nuclear fuel rods, even less so.”
Rural areas of the west are commonly viewed as safe havens away from the corrosive politics of woke socialism...
The Altar Stone was long believed to have traveled 150 miles from Preseli Hills in Southwest Wales with the other megaliths...
Take away your peoples' right to free expression, and watch them thank you for it...
Strategic bridge deep into Russian territory completely collapses...
Perhaps most important, any society that lives under socialism cannot under any stretch of the imagination be considered to be a genuinely free society.
Over the past few decades, the cost of insulin in the United States skyrocketed, affecting millions of people with diabetes relying on it every day...
Plaintiffs argue that a single Gatorade bar serving exceeds the daily health-based limits for added sugars, despite being billed as good for health...